Amidst immigration concerns in the Czech Republic, Integration Centre Prague challenges the idea of foreigners as threats. The campaign shares successful integration stories, fostering tolerance, understanding, and Czech national pride. Being an integrated foreigner myself, the campaign holds a special place in my 🖤.

☆ ADC Czech Republic / Bronze / Billboard & Poster ☆
☆ ADC Czech Republic / Bronze / Photography ☆
Brand: Integration Centre Prague / Agency: DDB Prague / Creative Director: Radouane Hadj Moussa / Art Director: Amila Hrustic / Copywriter: Stepan Kouba / Head of Art: Jan Tomasek / Photographer: Andrea Sovova / Director: Marek Partys /
Brand: Integration Centre Prague / Agency: DDB Prague / Creative Director: Radouane Hadj Moussa / Art Director: Amila Hrustic / Copywriter: Stepan Kouba / Head of Art: Jan Tomasek / Photographer: Andrea Sovova / Director: Marek Partys /