Imagine clothes that care for your skin… Well, they exist! CareWear by Rossmann is a limited collection of revolutionary functional clothing made from seaweed-based material. The fabric contains minerals, antioxidants and vitamins that are absorbed directly into the wear’s skin while also protecting it from free radicals. The coolest thing - these properties don’t wash out.
The CareWear collection was inspired by the fact that while Czech women devote over 182 hours per year to skin care, most of that time is spent on their face. This means they are neglecting the rest of their body – mostly because they simply don’t have enough time. That’s why quickly putting on a tank top, a long-sleeved T-shirt, bike shorts or leggings can come in handy.
CareWear's properties are also highlighted by the design of the packaging, which reminiscent of modern skin care products.

Brand: Rossmann / Product development: IMMINENT / Packaging & Campaign: DDB Prague / Product design: OverallOffice / Production: Unreal Visual / Director: Martin Janes / Post-production: Evzen Zalevsky / Photography: Maryna Veklynets / Retouching: Vojtech Zikmunda / 3D: Adam Bartas
Brand: Rossmann / Product development: IMMINENT / Packaging & Campaign: DDB Prague / Product design: OverallOffice / Production: Unreal Visual / Director: Martin Janes / Post-production: Evzen Zalevsky / Photography: Maryna Veklynets / Retouching: Vojtech Zikmunda / 3D: Adam Bartas